Shapeshifter (2020)
Shapeshifter was a live performance at Yoli’s solo show Shapeshifted. Yoli embodied Shapeshifter a persona and “being” inspired by the Nahuatl concept of Nahualism, the ability for a human being to shift into other animal forms, and Huehuecoyotl, the trickster Coyote archetype. Shapeshifter is a humorous representation of our instinct that advocates for non-binary and queer embodiments as natural forms of transformation. This is part of a postcolonial cosmology formation informed by Yoli’s Nahuatl ancestry and commitment to re-indigenizing as a cosmic frijole remembering how to belong.
During the performance, Shapeshifter kneels and offers themself at the altar of the intergalactic cactus/deity/teotl/diosx Coachilicue who protects shapeshifters and (gender)fluid beings. As an extension of the ritual, Shapeshifter moves through the space emoting and expressing as an offering of their existence to all those present and to Coachilicue.
Documentation: Eliana Cristal Sanchez
Documentation: Chan Gallery